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- Warum Corian®
case studies
- Eleganz, Innovation und Funktionalität: eine eindrucksvolle Fassade aus Corian® Exteriors für das Regionalkrankenhaus Liberec
- Sofia, Bulgarien: Corian® Exteriors für eine eindrucksvolle und höchst funktionelle Fassade.
- Corian® Exteriors für Dach und Fassade eines eindrucksvollen monolithischen Gebäudes in Hamburg
- Die Fassade der Büros der Zukunft ist mit Corian® Exteriors verkleidet
- In Luxemburg umhüllen überlappende Paneele aus Corian® Exteriors die Fassade des Mama Shelter Hotels
- London, Covent Garden: Corian® Exteriors fördert Publikumsverkehr im St Martin’s Courtyard
- Paris, Frankreich - Corian® Exteriors für die Fassade des neuen Luxushotels Maison Albar Hotels Le Vendôme
- Massy, Campus Eiffel: die neuen Gebäude zeichnen sich durch eine elegante Verkleidung aus Corian® Exterieur über 7500 Quadratmeter
- Belgien: die erfolgreiche Renovierung von Karl Hugo ist mit der neuen Corian® Exteriors Fassade auf einen Blick sichtbar.
- Pomerol, Frankreich: Renovierung von Château La Pointe umfasst neue Fassade mit Corian® Exteriors im zugleich traditionellen und zeitgenössischen Look.
- Im weltbekannten Archäologiepark von Pompeji schützen die erstklassigen Eigenschaften von Corian® Exteriors exklusive Überreste des Championnet Komplex
- Eine neue Fassade aus Corian® Exteriors erhellt das Herz von Genuas Geschäftsviertel
- Corian® Solid Surface für Fassade und Dach: eine innovative Architektur, die sich perfekt in einen heterogen städtischen Kontext einfügt
- The Shift, Paris: Renovierung eines Gebäudekomplexes mit Corian® Exteriors durch Axel Schoenert Architectes
- Corian® Exteriors umhüllt den BI CUBE- ein Gebäude für agiles Arbeiten bei Boehringer Ingelheim
- Menai Science Park: mit Außen- und Innenverkleidungen aus Corian® Solid Surface der Zeit voraus
- Ein Meilenstein urbaner Architektur: Das OVO Wroclaw Centre von Gottesman-Szmelcman Architekten mit DuPont™ Corian®
- Architekturbüro Studio Fluid gestaltet ultra-moderne Klinik in Serbien mit Corian®
- Corian® Exteriors: eine innovative und ultra-vielseitige Lösung für die Neugestaltung des Flughafens Milano Linate
- Corian® exterior cladding on timber frame for a dental clinic in Bordeaux (France)
- Trampolines Suite Hotel Cladding
- Spectacular project in Breda with Corian® as exterior cladding
- SOCAR Gasoline Stations
- Dark Street Corner transformed into city highlight thanks to the use of DuPont™ Corian® External Cladding
- DuPont™ Corian® façade in Knokke is a real eyecatcher
- Seeko’o Hotel Architectural Design
- University of Barcelona in Bellvitge Campus
- USE Architects has transformed Mentmore Terrace in London’s Hackney
- Villa New Water, the Netherlands by Waterstudio.NL
- Rehabilitation of a symbolic building in Val-de-Reuil
- Corian® brings innovation, elegance and functionality to the building façade
- Exterior cladding renovation of two buildings
- Exterior wall panels of Corian® - Private Residence North London
- Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel Exterior Cladding
- Private Villa
- Exterior Cladding - Private Residence
- Hôtel Ivoire Architectural Design
- Brørup Sparekasse
- Children’s Playground Pavilion - Creative Architectural Design
- Modula Headquarters in Italy
- An iconic façade in Madrid
- A building with positive energy exploiting the resources of two key DuPont materials
- Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London
- Fassade der Zukunft Microsoft Deutschlandzentrale erstrahlt dank Corian® mit faszinierender Tiefenwirkung
- Corian® in a Red City
- Ideen umsetzen durch Vielseitigkeit: Corian® Solid Surface als dekorative Gebäudehaut der neuen Omnicos-Zentrale
- Elegante, leistungsstarke Corian®-Fassade für neue Struktur von NGS MacMillan
case studies
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case studies
- Elegancia, innovación y funcionalidad: la notable fachada de Corian® Exteriors en el Hospital Regional Liberec
- Sofía, Bulgaria: Corian® Exteriors hace realidad una fachada fascinante y altamente funcional
- Fachada y tejado en Corian® Exteriors en un atractivo edificio monolítico en Hamburgo
- La fachada de las oficinas del futuro se viste con Corian® Exteriors
- Hotel Boutique Warszauer, Cracovia, Polonia: Corian® Exteriors ayuda a combinar la historia con la arquitectura contemporánea
- En Luxemburgo, Corian® Exteriors envuelve la fachada del Ho-tel Mama Shelter con paneles superpuestos
- Londres, Covent Garden: Corian® Exteriors aumenta la afluencia en la plazoleta de St Martin’s Courtyard
- París, Francia - Corian® Exteriors en la fachada del nuevo hotel de lujo Maison Albar Hotels Le Vendôme
- Campus Eiffel en Massy: nuevos edificios que se distinguen por una envolvente elegante de más de 7.500 metros cuadrados de Corian® Exteriors
- Bélgica: la renovación exitosa de Karl Hugo, apreciable a simple vista con su nueva fachada Corian® Exteriors
- Pomerol, Francia: la reforma del Château La Pointe cuenta con una nueva fachada Corian® Exteriors.
- En el mundialmente famoso Parque Arqueológico de Pompeya las propiedades superiores de Corian® Exteriors protegen los exclusivos restos históricos del complejo Championnet
- Una nueva fachada realizada con Corian® Exteriors ilumina el corazón del distrito comercial de Ginebra
- Corian® Exteriors: una solución innovadora y ultra-versátil para la remodelación del aeropuerto de Milán- Linate
- Corian® Solid Surface en fachada y techo: una arquitectura que se integra a la perfección en un contexto urbano y mixto
- La versatilidad al servicio de las ideas: Corian® Solid Surface para la piel decorativa de la nueva sede de Omnicos
- The Shift, París: un complejo de edificios renovado con Corian® Exteriors por Axel Schoenert Architectes
- El revestimiento exterior e interior Corian® Solid Surface coloca al Parque Científico Menai a la vanguardia
- Cracovia, Polonia: una elegante fachada blanca de DuPont™ Corian® para nacionalmente premiado pabellón Jozef Czapski
- Corian® exterior cladding on timber frame for a dental clinic in Bordeaux (France)
- The ultra-modern OVO Wroclaw complex comprises
- Trampolines Suite Hotel Cladding
- Spectacular project in Breda with Corian® as exterior cladding
- SOCAR Gasoline Stations
- Dark Street Corner transformed into city highlight thanks to the use of DuPont™ Corian® External Cladding
- DuPont™ Corian® façade in Knokke is a real eyecatcher
- Seeko’o Hotel Architectural Design
- University of Barcelona in Bellvitge Campus
- USE Architects has transformed Mentmore Terrace in London’s Hackney
- Villa New Water, the Netherlands by Waterstudio.NL
- Rehabilitation of a symbolic building in Val-de-Reuil
- Corian® brings innovation, elegance and functionality to the building façade
- Exterior cladding renovation of two buildings
- Exterior wall panels of Corian® - Private Residence North London
- Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel Exterior Cladding
- Private Villa
- Exterior Cladding - Private Residence
- Hôtel Ivoire Architectural Design
- Brørup Sparekasse
- Children’s Playground Pavilion - Creative Architectural Design
- Modula Headquarters in Italy
- An iconic façade in Madrid
- A building with positive energy exploiting the resources of two key DuPont materials
- Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London
- La fachada de la nueva sede de Microsoft Alemania ofrece una fascinante profundidad gracias a Corian®
- Corian® in a Red City
- La elegancia y las altas prestaciones de la fachada realizada con Corian® Exteriores realzan la nueva unidad NGS MacMillan
case studies
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- Pourquoi Corian®
case studies
- Elégance, innovation et fonctionnalité : la remarquable façade en Corian® Exteriors de l’Hôpital régional de Liberec
- Sofia, Bulgarie : Corian® Exteriors pour une façade fascinante et extrêmement fonctionnelle.
- Façade et toiture en Corian® Exteriors pour un attrayant bâtiment monolithique à Hambourg
- La façade des bureaux de l’avenir s’habille en Corian® Exteriors
- Warszauer Boutique Hotel, Cracovie, Pologne : Unir histoire et architecture contemporaine avec Corian® Exteriors
- A Luxembourg, des plumes en Corian® Exteriors enveloppent la façade de l’hôtel Mama Shelter
- Londres, Covent Garden : Corian® Exteriors augmente l’affluence de St Martin’s Courtyard
- A Paris, Corian® Exteriors pour la façade du nouvel hôtel de luxe Maison Albar Hotels Le Vendôme
- Massy, Campus Eiffel : les nouveaux bâtiments se distinguent par une élégante enveloppe en Corian® Exteriors de plus de 7500 mètres carrés
- Belgique : la rénovation réussie de l’entreprise Karl Hugo s’affiche dès l’extérieur avec une façade réalisée en Corian® Exteriors
- A Pomerol, Château La Pointe se pare de Corian® Exteriors pour une rénovation entre tradition et modernité.
- Corian® Exteriors protège les précieuses mosaïques de maisons de Championnet dans le site archéologique de Pompéi
- Corian® en façade et couverture : une architecture innovante et parfaitement intégrée dans un contexte urbain hétérogène
- Le nouveau visage de l’aéroport de Milan Linate avec Corian® Exteriors, une solution innovante et ultra polyvalente
- La polyvalence au service de la créativité : Corian® Exteriors pour le parement extérieur du nouveau siège de Omnicos en Italie
- L’architecture du Menai Science Park se pare de Corian® Solid Surface pour le bardage et les espaces intérieurs
- L’extraordinaire parement mural en Corian® pour le temple de Tuto Mazara en Inde
- Corian® exterior cladding on timber frame for a dental clinic in Bordeaux (France)
- Centre OVO Wroclaw : nouvelle étape dans l’architecture urbaine par l’agence Gottesman-Szmelcman Architecture avec DuPont™ Corian®
- Trampolines Suite Hotel Cladding
- Spectacular project in Breda with Corian® as exterior cladding
- 54 Londres Paris Un ensemble immobilier repensé et rénové par Axel Schoenert Architectes
- SOCAR Gasoline Stations
- Dark Street Corner transformed into city highlight thanks to the use of DuPont™ Corian® External Cladding
- DuPont™ Corian® façade in Knokke is a real eyecatcher
- Seeko’o Hotel Architectural Design
- University of Barcelona in Bellvitge Campus
- USE Architects has transformed Mentmore Terrace in London’s Hackney
- Villa New Water, the Netherlands by Waterstudio.NL
- Rehabilitation of a symbolic building in Val-de-Reuil
- Corian® brings innovation, elegance and functionality to the building façade
- Exterior cladding renovation of two buildings
- Exterior wall panels of Corian® - Private Residence North London
- Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel Exterior Cladding
- Private Villa
- Exterior Cladding - Private Residence
- Hôtel Ivoire Architectural Design
- Brørup Sparekasse
- Children’s Playground Pavilion - Creative Architectural Design
- Modula Headquarters in Italy
- An iconic façade in Madrid
- A building with positive energy exploiting the resources of two key DuPont materials
- Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London
- Futuriste : Une profondeur fascinante grâce à Corian® pour la nouvelle façade du siège Microsoft en Allemagne
- Corian® in a Red City
- Une façade en Corian® Exteriors élégante et performante pour la nouvelle unité NGS MacMillan
case studies
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Esempi di applicazione
- Eleganza, innovazione e funzionalità: la straordinaria facciata in Corian® Exteriors dell’Ospedale Regionale di Liberec
- Sofia, Bulgaria: Corian® Exteriors per una facciata imponente e altamente funzionale.
- Facciata e tetto in Corian® Exteriors Per un attraente edificio monolitico ad Amburgo
- La facciata degli uffici del futuro è rivestito in Corian® Exteriors
- Warszauer Boutique Hotel, Cracovia, Polonia: Storia e architettura contemporanea unite da Corian® Exteriors
- A Lussemburgo, pannelli sovrapposti in Corian® Exteriors avvolgono la facciata dell’hotel Mama Shelter
- Londra, Covent Garden : Corian® Exteriors aumenta l’affluenza di St Martin’s Courtyard
- A Parigi, Corian® Exteriors riveste la facciata del nuovo hotel di lusso Maison Albar Hotels Le Vendôme
- Massy, Campus Eiffel: i nuovi edifici si distinguono grazie all’elegante rivestimento in Corian® Exteriors di oltre 7.500 metri quadri
- Belgio: una ristrutturazione di grande impatto per la sede dell’azienda Karl Hugo con la facciata in Corian® Exteriors
- Pomerol, Francia: la nuova facciata di Château La Pointe in Corian® Exteriors
- Corian® Exteriors per proteggere i preziosi mosaici del complesso di Championnet nel Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
- Corian® Exteriors in facciata e copertura: un’architettura innovativa e perfettamente integrata in un contesto urbano eterogeneo
- Una facciata modernizzata con Corian® Exteriors illumina il cuore del quartiere commerciale di Ginevra
- 54 Londres Paris: Un complesso immobiliare ridisegnato e rinnovato da Axel Schoenert Architectes
- Menai Science Park si veste d’avanguardia grazie a esterni e interni in Corian® Solid Surface
- Lo straordinario rivestimento in Corian® degli interni del tempio di Tuto Mazara in India
- Elegante facciata in DuPont™ Corian® per il Padiglione Jozef Czapski del Museo Nazionale di Cracovia
- Corian® exterior cladding on timber frame for a dental clinic in Bordeaux (France)
- OVO Wroclaw: una pietra miliare dell’architettura urbana, un progetto di Gottesman-Szmelcman Architecture con DuPont™ Corian®
- Trampolines Suite Hotel Cladding
- Spectacular project in Breda with Corian® as exterior cladding
- SOCAR Gasoline Stations
- Dark Street Corner transformed into city highlight thanks to the use of DuPont™ Corian® External Cladding
- DuPont™ Corian® façade in Knokke is a real eyecatcher
- Seeko’o Hotel Architectural Design
- University of Barcelona in Bellvitge Campus
- USE Architects has transformed Mentmore Terrace in London’s Hackney
- Villa New Water, the Netherlands by Waterstudio.NL
- Rehabilitation of a symbolic building in Val-de-Reuil
- Corian® brings innovation, elegance and functionality to the building façade
- Exterior cladding renovation of two buildings
- Exterior wall panels of Corian® - Private Residence North London
- Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel Exterior Cladding
- Private Villa
- Exterior Cladding - Private Residence
- Hôtel Ivoire Architectural Design
- Brørup Sparekasse
- Children’s Playground Pavilion - Creative Architectural Design
- Modula Headquarters in Italy
- An iconic façade in Madrid
- A building with positive energy exploiting the resources of two key DuPont materials
- Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London
- La nuova facciata della sede centrale di Microsoft in Germania risplende grazie a Corian®
- Corian® in a Red City
- La versatilità al servizio delle idee: Corian® Solid Surface per la pelle decorativa della nuova sede di Omnicos
- Elegante e ad alte prestazioni, la facciata in Corian® Exteriors esalta il nuovo edificio NGS MacMillan
Esempi di applicazione
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case studies
- Elegance, innovation, and functionality: the remarkable Corian® Exteriors facade at Liberec Regional Hospital
- Sofia, Bulgaria: Corian® Exteriors for a fascinating and highly functional façade.
- Facade and roof in Corian® Exteriors For an attractive monolithic building in Hamburg
- The facade of the offices of the future is dressed in Corian® Exteriors
- Warszauer Boutique Hotel, Crakow, Poland: Corian® Exteriors helps to combine history with contemporary architecture
- In Luxembourg, overlapping panels in Corian® Exteriors envelop the facade of the Mama Shelter Hotel
- London, Covent Garden: Corian® Exteriors increases the footfall in St Martin’s Courtyard
- Paris, France - Corian® Exteriors used for the facade of the new luxury hotel Maison Albar Hotels Le Vendôme
- Massy, France, Eiffel Campus: new buildings flaunt their elegant envelope with more than 7500 square meters of Corian® Exteriors
- A new facade made of Corian® Exteriors lights up the heart of Geneva’s commercial district
- Baku, Azerbaijan: the new, world-class Bona Dea international inside and outside, with Corian® Solid Surface.
- Belgium: the successful renovation of Karl Hugo is visible at a glance with its new Corian® Exteriors facade
- Corian® Exteriors Adds Style and Sustainability to Lancashire Constabulary West Division HQ
- Corian® Exteriors Lights up the Yerkes Guard House
- Corian® Exteriors: an innovative and ultra-versatile solution for the restyling of Milano Linate city airport
- In world famous Pompeii Archeological Park Corian® Exteriors superior properties protect exclusive remains of the Championnet Complex
- Pomerol, France: the renovation of Château La Pointe features a new façade in Corian® Exteriors.
- Varna, Bulgaria: a new residential building stands out for its eye-catching façade made of Corian® Exteriors
- The Shift, Paris: a building complex renovated with Corian® Exteriors by Axel Schoenert Architectes
- Corian® Exteriors wraps the BI CUBE, a building supporting agile working at Boehringer Ingelheim headquarters
- Corian® Exterior and interior cladding puts Menai Science Park ahead of the curve
- Corian® exterior cladding on timber frame for a dental clinic in Bordeaux (France)
- The ultra-modern OVO Wroclaw complex comprises
- Trampolines Suite Hotel Cladding
- Spectacular project in Breda with Corian® as exterior cladding
- SOCAR Gasoline Stations
- Dark Street Corner transformed into city highlight thanks to the use of DuPont™ Corian® External Cladding
- DuPont™ Corian® façade in Knokke is a real eyecatcher
- Seeko’o Hotel Architectural Design
- University of Barcelona in Bellvitge Campus
- USE Architects has transformed Mentmore Terrace in London’s Hackney
- Villa New Water, the Netherlands by Waterstudio.NL
- Rehabilitation of a symbolic building in Val-de-Reuil
- Corian® brings innovation, elegance and functionality to the building façade
- Exterior cladding renovation of two buildings
- Exterior wall panels of Corian® - Private Residence North London
- Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel Exterior Cladding
- Private Villa
- Exterior Cladding - Private Residence
- Hôtel Ivoire Architectural Design
- Brørup Sparekasse
- Children’s Playground Pavilion - Creative Architectural Design
- Modula Headquarters in Italy
- An iconic façade in Madrid
- A building with positive energy exploiting the resources of two key DuPont materials
- Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London
- The new Microsoft Germany HQ facade features fascinating depth thanks to Corian®
- Corian® in a Red City
- How versatility can serve ideas: Corian® Solid Surface for the decorative skin of the new Omnicos headquarters
- Elegant, High-performance Corian® Façade Enhances the New NGS MacMillan Unit
case studies
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- Dlaczego Corian®
case studies
- W Luksemburgu nachodzące na siebie panele elewacyjne firmy Corian® Exteriors pokrywają fasadę hotelu Mama Shelter
- Massy, France, Eiffel Campus: new buildings flaunt their elegant envelope with more than 7500 square meters of Corian® Exteriors
- Corian® Exterior and interior cladding puts Menai Science Park ahead of the curve
- Corian® exterior cladding on timber frame for a dental clinic in Bordeaux (France)
- The ultra-modern OVO Wroclaw complex comprises
- Trampolines Suite Hotel Cladding
- Spectacular project in Breda with Corian® as exterior cladding
- SOCAR Gasoline Stations
- Dark Street Corner transformed into city highlight thanks to the use of DuPont™ Corian® External Cladding
- DuPont™ Corian® façade in Knokke is a real eyecatcher
- Seeko’o Hotel Architectural Design
- University of Barcelona in Bellvitge Campus
- USE Architects has transformed Mentmore Terrace in London’s Hackney
- Villa New Water, the Netherlands by Waterstudio.NL
- Rehabilitation of a symbolic building in Val-de-Reuil
- Corian® brings innovation, elegance and functionality to the building façade
- Exterior cladding renovation of two buildings
- Exterior wall panels of Corian® - Private Residence North London
- Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel Exterior Cladding
- Private Villa
- Exterior Cladding - Private Residence
- Hôtel Ivoire Architectural Design
- Brørup Sparekasse
- Children’s Playground Pavilion - Creative Architectural Design
- Modula Headquarters in Italy
- An iconic façade in Madrid
- A building with positive energy exploiting the resources of two key DuPont materials
- Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London
- The new Microsoft Germany HQ facade features fascinating depth thanks to Corian®
- Corian® in a Red City
- How versatility can serve ideas: Corian® Solid Surface for the decorative skin of the new Omnicos headquarters
- Elegant, High-performance Corian® Façade Enhances the New NGS MacMillan Unit
case studies
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Случаи от практиката
- В Люксембург, припокриващи се панели от Corian® Exteriors обгръщат фасадата на хотел Mama Shelter
- Massy, France, Eiffel Campus: new buildings flaunt their elegant envelope with more than 7500 square meters of Corian® Exteriors
- Corian® Exterior and interior cladding puts Menai Science Park ahead of the curve
- Corian® exterior cladding on timber frame for a dental clinic in Bordeaux (France)
- The ultra-modern OVO Wroclaw complex comprises
- Trampolines Suite Hotel Cladding
- Spectacular project in Breda with Corian® as exterior cladding
- SOCAR Gasoline Stations
- Dark Street Corner transformed into city highlight thanks to the use of DuPont™ Corian® External Cladding
- DuPont™ Corian® façade in Knokke is a real eyecatcher
- Seeko’o Hotel Architectural Design
- University of Barcelona in Bellvitge Campus
- USE Architects has transformed Mentmore Terrace in London’s Hackney
- Villa New Water, the Netherlands by Waterstudio.NL
- Rehabilitation of a symbolic building in Val-de-Reuil
- Corian® brings innovation, elegance and functionality to the building façade
- Exterior cladding renovation of two buildings
- Exterior wall panels of Corian® - Private Residence North London
- Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel Exterior Cladding
- Private Villa
- Exterior Cladding - Private Residence
- Hôtel Ivoire Architectural Design
- Brørup Sparekasse
- Children’s Playground Pavilion - Creative Architectural Design
- Modula Headquarters in Italy
- An iconic façade in Madrid
- A building with positive energy exploiting the resources of two key DuPont materials
- Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London
- The new Microsoft Germany HQ facade features fascinating depth thanks to Corian®
- Corian® in a Red City
- How versatility can serve ideas: Corian® Solid Surface for the decorative skin of the new Omnicos headquarters
- Elegant, High-performance Corian® Façade Enhances the New NGS MacMillan Unit
Случаи от практиката
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case studies
- Corian® Exteriors Adds Style and Sustainability to Lancashire Constabulary West Division HQ
- Corian® Exterior and interior cladding puts Menai Science Park ahead of the curve
- Corian® exterior cladding on timber frame for a dental clinic in Bordeaux (France)
- The ultra-modern OVO Wroclaw complex comprises
- Trampolines Suite Hotel Cladding
- Spectacular project in Breda with Corian® as exterior cladding
- SOCAR Gasoline Stations
- Dark Street Corner transformed into city highlight thanks to the use of DuPont™ Corian® External Cladding
- DuPont™ Corian® façade in Knokke is a real eyecatcher
- Seeko’o Hotel Architectural Design
- University of Barcelona in Bellvitge Campus
- USE Architects has transformed Mentmore Terrace in London’s Hackney
- Villa New Water, the Netherlands by Waterstudio.NL
- Rehabilitation of a symbolic building in Val-de-Reuil
- Corian® brings innovation, elegance and functionality to the building façade
- Exterior cladding renovation of two buildings
- Exterior wall panels of Corian® - Private Residence North London
- Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel Exterior Cladding
- Private Villa
- Exterior Cladding - Private Residence
- Hôtel Ivoire Architectural Design
- Brørup Sparekasse
- Children’s Playground Pavilion - Creative Architectural Design
- Modula Headquarters in Italy
- An iconic façade in Madrid
- A building with positive energy exploiting the resources of two key DuPont materials
- Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London
- The new Microsoft Germany HQ facade features fascinating depth thanks to Corian®
- Corian® in a Red City
- How versatility can serve ideas: Corian® Solid Surface for the decorative skin of the new Omnicos headquarters
- Elegant, High-performance Corian® Façade Enhances the New NGS MacMillan Unit
case studies
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- why Corian®
case studies
- Corian® Exteriors Adds Style and Sustainability to Lancashire Constabulary West Division HQ
- Corian® Exterior and interior cladding puts Menai Science Park ahead of the curve
- Corian® exterior cladding on timber frame for a dental clinic in Bordeaux (France)
- The ultra-modern OVO Wroclaw complex comprises
- Trampolines Suite Hotel Cladding
- Spectacular project in Breda with Corian® as exterior cladding
- SOCAR Gasoline Stations
- Dark Street Corner transformed into city highlight thanks to the use of DuPont™ Corian® External Cladding
- DuPont™ Corian® façade in Knokke is a real eyecatcher
- Seeko’o Hotel Architectural Design
- University of Barcelona in Bellvitge Campus
- USE Architects has transformed Mentmore Terrace in London’s Hackney
- Villa New Water, the Netherlands by Waterstudio.NL
- Rehabilitation of a symbolic building in Val-de-Reuil
- Corian® brings innovation, elegance and functionality to the building façade
- Exterior cladding renovation of two buildings
- Exterior wall panels of Corian® - Private Residence North London
- Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel Exterior Cladding
- Private Villa
- Exterior Cladding - Private Residence
- Hôtel Ivoire Architectural Design
- Brørup Sparekasse
- Children’s Playground Pavilion - Creative Architectural Design
- Modula Headquarters in Italy
- An iconic façade in Madrid
- A building with positive energy exploiting the resources of two key DuPont materials
- Corian® lights up the architectural face of the City of London
- The new Microsoft Germany HQ facade features fascinating depth thanks to Corian®
- Corian® in a Red City
- How versatility can serve ideas: Corian® Solid Surface for the decorative skin of the new Omnicos headquarters
- Elegant, High-performance Corian® Façade Enhances the New NGS MacMillan Unit
case studies
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